What To Expect

What We Offer

The hallmark of Well by Messer is an experienced medical team, including:

  • An endocrinologist (we have both adult and pediatric) who will review your medical history and send you for state-of-the-art blood work (covered by your insurance plan), metabolic testing, cardiac testing (such as carotid dopplers) and referrals to other specialists, including dermatologists, plastic surgeons, bariatric surgeons and cardiologists, as appropriate. Any hormonal issues (e.g., menopause, low testosterone in men, polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid abnormalities, diabetes, etc) will be treated in-house in conjunction with your general metabolic care.

  • An internist who will take an in-depth history, perform a comprehensive physical exam, and address medical issues including cardiovascular disease risk reduction, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, sleep disorders, mental health and preventative screening.

  • A psychologist who specializes in the complex human relationship with food. We will help determine if there are any psychological causes of your metabolic issues, as well as provide any psychological support necessary to attaining your body weight goals.

  • A dietitian who will create a meal plan/arrange a delivery service with attention to your metabolic needs as outlined by our team. We will also help you find personal chefs if directed.

  • In-house trainers who will design a personalized exercise program for you (including cardiovascular and strength training, as well as stretching). Our trainers are also available for home and virtual visits.

  • A wellness coach who will develop a detailed action plan tailored to your personality and lifestyle and who will follow up with you as needed to keep you on track.

If you attend a visit with any of our endocrinologists, internists, psychologists or dietitians you are entitled to one free 30-minute session with our personal trainer, Geo Acevedo, as well as a free in-body assessment.

In addition, you will have access to our various support groups, cooking demonstrations and lectures (both in-person and online).

We also offer the following services for adults:

  • psychological assessment services

  • evaluations for extended time as well as bariatric surgery

  • psychoeducational and ADHD evaluations


Well by Messer is a fee-for-service practice (i.e., it does not accept insurance). You will be charged at our providers’ prevailing rates (please call us (646) 917-7380 for the current rates) and will be responsible to make payment in full at the time service is rendered. We will then submit the claim to your insurance provider on your behalf and your insurance provider will reimburse you the amount (if any) that they cover pursuant to your policy with them.

Note that Well by Messer does not participate in any federal or state-funded third-party payors and that no services will be reimbursable to you by any governmental third-party payors.

Personal Trainer Sessions

On-site personal training sessions begin at $50 per 30-minute session and $100 per 60-minute session. We also offer attractive pricing for session packages.

If you attend a visit with any of our endocrinologists, internists, psychologists or dietitians you are entitled to one free 30-minute session with our personal trainer, Geo Acevedo.

Referral Services

In the event you utilize the services of any professionals that we refer you to outside of Well by Messer, you will be fully responsible for the fees for such services.

Missed Appointments / Late Cancellations

The fees for missed appointments and for cancellations within 24 hours of scheduled appointments are:

  • Endocrinologist/Internist/Urologist consultation: 50% of consultation fee

  • Endocrinologist/Internist/Urologist follow-up: 50% of follow-up fee

  • Psychologist consultation and follow-up: Full fee of appointment

  • Dietitian consultation: $100

  • Dietitian appointment: $50

  • Personal trainer 60-minute session: 50% of appointment fee

  • Personal trainer 30-minute session: 50% of appointment fee

Book your appointment today and begin your journey towards metabolic success