Do you treat medical issues that are not related to metabolism?

Yes. Our endocrinologists diagnose and treat the full range of endocrine issues including but not limited to menopause, diabetes, osteoporosis, thyroid cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome and low testosterone, in addition to metabolic health issues.  Our psychologists diagnose and treat psychological issues unrelated to metabolic health as well.

Do you practice Eastern medicine or alternative medicine?

Well by Messer practices evidence-based medicine.  Our trainers are well-versed in multiple forms of health and wellness practices, including Tai Chi and various meditation techniques.

What if I already have an endocrinologist?

We are happy to work with your pre-existing endocrinologist (if you have one).  For example, your pre-existing endocrinologist might focus more on your bone health while we will focus more on your metabolic health and wellness.

What happens if I need bariatric surgery?

If you need bariatric surgery, we will refer you to one of the top surgeons in the country. In addition, we will perform the necessary psychological assessment, provide pre- and post-operative nutritional support and write the letters required for insurance to cover your surgery.

Will my visit be covered by insurance?

Well by Messer does not accept insurance. You will be responsible for payment in full at the time service is rendered. We will then submit the claim to your insurance provider and they will reimburse you the amount (if any) that they cover pursuant to your policy with them. See What To Expect.

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