Thyroid Nodules

Our thyroid nodules specialists in New York are here for you. Our team of endocrine doctors near you are dedicated to supporting your success and ensuring that you regain your metabolic health and overall wellness.

What Are Thyroid Nodules?

Thyroid nodules are discrete lesions within the thyroid gland, distinguishable from the surrounding parenchyma. They may be solitary or multiple and can vary in size and composition, including solid, cystic, or complex elements. The clinical significance of thyroid nodules lies in their potential to be benign or malignant. Evaluation typically involves physical examination, ultrasonography, and fine-needle aspiration biopsy to ascertain the nature of the nodule. While most thyroid nodules are asymptomatic and benign, a small percentage may harbor malignancy, necessitating further investigation and management. Thyroid nodules are relatively common, with an estimated prevalence of 5-10% in the general adult population. The prevalence of thyroid nodules increases with age and is higher in women. Ultrasonographic features such as hypoechogenicity, irregular margins, microcalcifications, and increased vascularity are often scrutinized for their association with malignancy risk.

What Are the Causes of Thyroid Nodules?

The causes of thyroid nodules can be varied, including:

  • Benign growths, such as colloid nodules or adenomas

  • Cysts or fluid-filled lesions

  • Hyperplastic nodules (overgrowth of thyroid cells)

  • Toxic nodules (overproduction of thyroid hormone from the nodule)

  • Thyroid cancers (malignant nodules)

Many thyroid nodules are asymptomatic and discovered incidentally during routine medical examinations or imaging tests. However, some nodules may cause symptoms, such as:

  • A palpable lump or swelling in the neck

  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing

  • Changes in voice or hoarseness

  • Weight loss, fast heartbeat, frequent bowel movements (if the nodule is producing too much thyroid hormone)

Evaluation of thyroid nodules typically involves:

  • Physical examination to palpate the thyroid gland

  • Ultrasound imaging to assess the characteristics of the nodule

  • Fine-needle aspiration biopsy to collect cells for cytological analysis

What Are the Treatments and Therapies for Thyroid Nodules?

The management of thyroid nodules depends on the size, characteristics, and potential for malignancy. Options may include:

  • Periodic monitoring with regular ultrasounds for small, benign-appearing nodules

  • Fine-needle aspiration biopsy to determine if a nodule is cancerous (done as an in-office procedure at Well by Messer)

  • Surgical removal of the nodule or the entire thyroid gland, if necessary

  • Procedure to drain fluid from the nodule if it is a cyst

  • Radioiodine (used only to treat nodules that make too much thyroid hormone), this cannot be done during pregnancy or breastfeeding

How Can Well by Messer Help You with Thyroid Nodules?

At Well by Messer, our thyroid nodules specialists can diagnose the condition by conducting a neck exam as well as performing an in-office thyroid ultrasound. In some cases, it might be necessary to have a full neck ultrasound or CT scan at an imaging center as a follow up test. Once we determine a nodule exists, we can send for blood testing and potentially perform an FNA in the office. Based on the results, we will develop a plan with our patients for next steps

Meet the Well by Messer (WBM) Team

Under the leadership of top endocrinologist in New York, Dr. Caroline Messer, our caring and talented team of board-certified endocrinologists, psychologists, nutritionists, and personal trainers will be dedicated to supporting your success and regaining your metabolic health at our metabolic centers in Manhattan.

Book your appointment today and begin your journey towards metabolic success